I used this cover for inspiration for my magazine cover. I used the mid shot from the picture to place my model on my cover. I liked the way she was placed on the cover as you can see her facial expression and a small amount of her clothing. This shows that you can tell from her facial expression and clothing what type of genre the magazine will be. With this I am going to add a RnB/Hip Hop twist to this and make the facial expression and clothing look more dark and mysterious.

For the double paged spread, I got a few ideas from this example. I found the layout very interesting as it looked very simple with a decent amount of detail. I placed the main image on the left just like it was placed on the example. For the text I also used the same layout as it seemed structured very well and there was also a good amount of information fitted on the page. I have also decided to place the title of the page on the top left corner as it would look nice by the picture. A small part that will be different from the example is that I will add a quote by the main image, which will be the artist. This will show what the artists beliefs are or a quote from the artists music
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