The fonts on these mood boards all have the use of similar colours such as black, white or red. Most of the mastheads are in caps to show the seriousness of the magazine’s music genre. The fonts sizes are large which means they are simple for the reader to see what the magazine is named and maybe get the idea of what music genre it is just by looking at the title. For example, the BBC music magazine stands out because it is very different to the other mastheads. BBC music magazine’s font is thin, serif and typed in lower case which shows that this magazine has a more older and mature audience than the rock or hip hop magazines. In my opinion, I see that the rock or hip hop magazines are written in bold and have really bright or dark colours to show that their music is daring and rebellious.
A masthead that really stands out with the use of different colours is Billboard. The masthead is sans serif but where it is written ‘board’ there is the use of red, yellow and blue. The use of these colours can show that billboard has a younger target audience and since it is different to the rock or hip hop masthead it may be targeted to audiences who prefer to listen to pop or other.
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